Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Most Interesting Fat Man in the World

I could not have been more touched by the overwhelming response today to our launch of Pounding Poverty. I say "our" because this initiative is as much about you, our supporters, and Community Action Council, our beneficiary, as it is about me. As of this writing we are up to at least $12 per pound in pledges with more of you who have committed to go online and pledge as soon as you get a chance.

If you haven't already, be sure to click on the "Pledge Now" link above and fill out your pledge commitment to support Pounding Poverty. As a reminder, every contribution will be tax deductible and will be a direct donation to Community Action Council, the nonprofit organization in Central Kentucky that fights poverty with broad initiatives to help individuals, families, and communities work toward economic independence.

Your support has me so excited that I can't wait to begin on January 1. Be sure to continue watching this blog as I'll update you on my plans for diet and exercise and my last meal on New Year's Eve. Many of you have asked which "diet" I'll be doing and the answer, for now, is nothing special. I am a big fan of Michael Pollan and his philosophy is that we should all Eat Food, Mostly Plants, Not Too Much. However, I am open to suggestions so post in the comments if you have advice!

I've also approached a local gym about sponsoring me with a free 12-week membership but I'm still waiting for a response. I plan to take up some aerobic activities like running (long term goal is to complete a 5K) but will also return to weightlifting, which I used to do and thoroughly enjoyed. I'll also return to playing golf, an old hobby of mine, and doing some of my own yard work. A few years ago I hired someone to mow my grass and that, admittedly, was a move made out of pure laziness. I still hate mowing the grass but my honey-do list is a mile long and most of it is pretty physical stuff. So maybe I can be Bob Vila and Richard Simmons all rolled into one. Stay hungry, my friends...

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