Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Welcome to Pounding Poverty

You’re going to be seeing less of me in the New Year – literally. Nearly a decade as a desk jockey at Community Action Council has made me more Twinkie than man and it’s time for a change. You’d think pounding the pavement for poverty wouldn’t be such an unhealthy line of work but as a manager and writer I have a desk job. The only thing I’ve been pounding for the last nine years has been Spalding doughnuts and Chipotle burritos. Beginning January 1, 2014, I’ll embark on a mission to drop 75 pounds in 2014. It’s all part of a plan to slim my waistline while expanding the budget for an organization I love that helps people in Central Kentucky work toward a better future.

I’m inviting you to join my cause and support me for the first 12 weeks of this endeavor. I’m hoping each of you will pledge a price per pound on my quest as a show of support for me and for Community Action Council. For example, if you pledge $1 per pound and I lose 35 pounds between January 1 and March 26 then you would make a $35 tax-deductible donation to the Council. It’s that simple. Just respond to this e-mail and let me know how much you’ll pledge per pound.  My goal for 2014 is to lose 75 pounds but this little game only runs for 12 weeks so that’s all you’ll be responsible for with your pledge. After March 26 I’ll send you an e-mail letting you know how much I lost and explaining how you can make your donation and how you can continue to follow my progress if you so choose. None of the funds will go to me – I’ll provide direct donation options for fulfilling your pledge.

In exchange for your support I’ll send you weekly blog posts about my progress and include some tidbits about Community Action Council so you can get to know me and my organization a little better. I’ll even throw in some self-deprecating pictures for your amusement. I have also created a Facebook page you can “like” called “Pounding Poverty” and will be writing about my progress on this blog. You can even follow me on Twitter by following @poundingpoverty. This won’t be a picnic for me because, well, I like picnics. Since I’m putting myself out there for individuals and families with low-income I hope you’ll stretch too and make an ambitious pledge in support of my goal. Won’t you consider pledging $1, $5, $10 or more per pound?

Thanks so much for your support,


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